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Please make your check payable to: The University Corporation, San Francisco State
Indicate the gift designation on the memo section of your check and mail it to the following address:
Office of University Development
San Francisco State University
1600 Holloway Avenue, ADM 153
San Francisco, CA 94132
Please call 415-338-1042 or email
Your Support Makes a Significant Difference to Today's Students, Faculty and Programs.
San Francisco State University relies on private support to fulfill its mission and provide a high-quality education to students from the Bay Area and well beyond. Many of these students are the first in their families to pursue a university degree, and their ambition and success add economic, cultural and social vitality to our communities. A scholarship can mean the difference between graduating on time or never graduating at all, and you can make that happen. You can also help us continue to offer innovative and effective academic programs and attract and retain stellar faculty.