Leslie A. Hughes (B.A. ’66, Standard Secondary Credential ’67) has a strong commitment to public education. Ms. Hughes has given love, kindness, and attention to her students throughout her long career as a Spanish and Italian instructor in San Francisco high schools, principally Galileo.
Now Ms. Hughes is giving back even more to the young people of San Francisco. When she sat down to create her will, Ms. Hughes decided to leave a generous portion of her estate to scholarship funds at SF State.

Ms. Hughes says of her college years, “SF State was the perfect place to go, no matter who you were, for exposure to a microcosm of the world. SF State was very free and open-minded and diverse, and I loved it for that reason.”
Of her gift, she says, “I would like the fruits of my funds to enable the kinds of students I’ve taught all my life to pursue an education. A scholarship gives young people the knowledge that, ‘Hey, I could do that!’”
Thank you, Ms. Hughes! Your generous gift will enable future generations of students to enjoy SF State and to “give back” to the future students of San Francisco State.