College of Science & Engineering News and Stories

SEIC research lab

Gilead Foundation Awards SF State $3.5 Million for Future Science Building

The historic grant will support STEM facilities and students, providing labs with state-of-the-art equipment and furnishings to train students in essential skills for biopharma, biotech and engineering careers.

Johnnie and John Hafernik

Four Donors Honor Inclusivity of the Biology Department

Inspired the unique culture and excellence of the Biology Department, two alumni, an emeriti professor and his wife have all made generous gifts to the department and its students.

diverse bio lab

Bristol Myers Squibb Supports Diversity in Sciences at the College of Science & Engineering

Through its corporate giving program, Bristol Myers Squibb has generously funded the BE-STEM scholarship program which fosters the next generation of STEM researchers.


The Richmans in front of a waterfall

Michael & Kathy Richman Deepen Their Support

Michael Richman (M.S., ’93, Business Administration) and his wife Kathy deepen their support of SFSU with a major gift to the new Science & Engineering Innovation Center.

Baird headshot

Teaster Baird Jr. named American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Fellow

Being honored as a fellow of a scientific society is a big achievement for any researcher. Few, however, can say they were the first to be recognized by such an organization.

C.Y. Chow

The Cheng Family: 25 Years of Supporting CoSE Students

While the C.Y. Chow Memorial Scholarship in Mathematics and Computer Science is 25 years old this year, its roots go back more than 100 years to China. Read about this family's legacy of generosity.

Headshot of SF State student researcher Berenice Baca

University researcher Berenice Baca achieves firsts in sea star research

With faculty support, a scholarship award-winning student expands her class project into a graduate research project, achieving the seemingly impossible feat of raising the six-rayed sea star Leptasterias specimens for an entire year.

Jan Randall

Donor Profile: Jan Randall

Professor Emerita Jan Randall wants to make sure that today’s female scientists don’t have to endure the same sexism as she did in her career as a scientist and educator, which has led her to include a gift of $1 million to SF State in her will. 

voice recognition-based interface

2019 Kenneth S. Fong Translational Research Award-Winner: In-Home Robotic Therapy System

When Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, David Quintero was searching for his first faculty position in 2018, the main draw to San Francisco State University was the potential to partner with Dr. Charmayne Hughes and Dr. Xiaorong Zhang on research in rehabilitation robotics.

Students using computer to study

Genentech Grants $10.5 Million to SF State's College of Science & Engineering

When Daisy Salazar, the daughter of Mexican immigrants and the first in her family to attend college, learned that she had been awarded a $24,200 scholarship funded by the Genentech Foundation, she couldn’t believe that she had been chosen.

Ardila Simons headshot

SF State mathematics professor awarded a Simons Fellowship

San Francisco State University Professor of Mathematics Federico Ardila has been selected to receive a Simons Fellowship in Mathematics.

Planetarium picture

Charles F. Hagar Planetarium

Jim Gibson stands at a control panel steering the stars with rows of glowing switches while above him looms a 26-foot-tall starlit dome.


SF BUILD Scientists Address Health Disparities at Symposium

San Francisco State University Professor of Biology Leticia Márquez-Magaña says science is facing a crisis. When it comes to chronic illnesses like diabetes and heart disease, the people with the worst outcomes — minority communities — are often left out of research profiles.

Camilla Smith

Donor Profile: Camilla Smith

In 2022 Camilla and her husband deepened their commitment to science and engineering at SF State with a major gift to the University’s $25 million Catalyze the Future campaign, which will fund state-of-the-art technology in the future Science & Engineering Innovation Center.

Headshot of Robyn Crook

Robyn Crook, associate professor of Biology, wins grant to study groundbreaking neuroscience

San Francisco State University Associate Professor of Biology Robyn Crook has been named an Allen Distinguished Investigator (ADI) by The Paul G. Allen Frontiers Group, a division of the Allen Institute.

Math Circle program at SF State

SF Math Circle Program Makes Math Fun for Students and Teachers

The Dutch mathematician Edsger W. Dijkstra once said, “There should be no such thing as boring mathematics.” But unfortunately, in many classrooms, there is. SF State's Math Circle is taking decisive steps to change that by providing interactive after-school math workshops for elementary and middle school students.

Rising Tides student working with others

As Climate Change Looms, SF State's Estuary and Ocean Science Center Monitors the Health of the Bay

"Paradise Drive” is the name of the road leading to San Francisco State’s Estuary and Ocean Science (EOS) Center. It lives up to the name, meandering along the northeastern edge of the Tiburon Peninsula with forest on one side and clear views of the San Francisco Bay on the other.