- Anthropology
- Broadcast & Electronic Communication Arts
- Classics
- Communication Studies
- Comparative & World Literature
- Creative Writing
- English Language and Literature
- Modern Languages & Literatures
- History
- International Relations
- Jewish Studies
- Journalism
- Philosophy
- Political Science
- Women & Gender Studies
- Center for Iranian Diaspora Studies
- Documentary Film Institute
- Fine Arts Gallery
- Global Museum
- Michael D. Palm Center for Research Translation and Public Policy
- Paul K. Longmore Institute on Disability
- Morrison Chamber Music Center
- Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI)
- Poetry Center
- Queer Cinema Project
- Veteran Documentary Corps
SF State’s core curriculum — embracing the local, regional and international — prepares students for an increasingly global culture in which they will influence contemporary spaces, media, and social interactions. We educate students for life in an increasingly complex world, rich with diversity and replete with challenges, in which they will make a difference by offering their vision to lead others.

Marcus Funds Transform The College Of Liberal & Creative Arts
From an overhaul of facilities in the School of Cinema to the funding of dozens of student and faculty projects, the Marcus Funds for Excellence in the Liberal Arts are making their mark and raising the level of excellence at the college.
Defining The Future
In November 2018 George Marcus (B.A., ’65) and Judie Otten Marcus (B.A., ’62) became the University's largest donors and lead supporters of the BOLD Thinking campaign. The Marcuses funded and established the George and Judy Marcus Funds for Excellence in the Liberal Arts, a comprehensive gift to the College of Liberal and Creative Arts that includes four new endowed faculty chairs, support for student and faculty research, and program and facilities upgrades.

College of Liberal & Creative Arts Impact Stories

Professor Stephen Arkin
Stephen Arkin was a beloved professor in SF State’s English Department for more than 40 years. In memory of his passing in May 2020, his family, friends, and colleagues established the Arkin Fund for Distinguished Students.

Marcus Early Career Research Award Helps Faculty Reach Finish Line
In its second year, the College of Liberal & Creative Arts’ Marcus Early Career Research Award will help five faculty members complete their book and film projects that explore social justice issues in the U.S. and abroad.

All About Neda Nobari
San Francisco State University announced that the Center for Iranian Diaspora Studies received an additional $1 million from alumna and Iranian American philanthropist Neda Nobari (B.S., '84), building upon her generous gift of $5 million in June 2016 that established the first-of-its-kind center.
College of Liberal & Creative Arts Funding Initiatives

Scholarships provide much-needed support to students to defray the cost of attending the University.

Ensemble-in-Residence (Alexander String Quartet)
The ASQ is a world-renowned chamber music group that provides artistic distinction to the College.

Documentary Film Institute
DocFilm connects students to professionals in the field and offers faculty development, forums, and exhibitions.

Longmore Institute on Disability
The Institute showcases the expertise, creativity, and value that people with disabilities bring to society.

The Queer Cinema Project
QCP connects academic, cultural, and political perspectives, fostering exchange between emerging and established filmmakers.

Marcus Hall
Learn more about the first academic building to be built on the SF State campus in 25 years.