By Brandon Davis, Gator Athletics
In August 2020, the NCAA announced a new position within athletics departments and conference offices that serve as a primary point of contact to receive and distribute information around diversity and inclusion topics. The athletics diversity and inclusion designee, known as the ADID, will be that point of communication between the NCAA national office, SF State Athletics, CCAA office, and campus when information around inclusive programs, emerging diversity issues, and other related equity initiatives needs to be shared. The Minority Opportunities and Interests Committee (MOIC) approved the role across all three NCAA divisions.
"I am thrilled that Dr. Taylor has agreed to join us in this vital role as our ADID," said Director of Athletics Stephanie Shreive-Hawkins. "I am so grateful that her intelligence, passion, and support will be spread to our student-athletes, coaches, and staff. We are beyond fortunate to have such a resource on our team."
Dr. Taylor, who was already involved in Athletics as a member of the Athletics Advisory Board and NCAA Division II Self-Study Committee, has been an assistant professor in the University's Department of Family, Interiors, Nutrition, & Apparel (FINA) since 2015. In 2018, she added the role of associate director of curriculum & faculty development for the University's Metro College Success Program. She serves in a variety of other campus committees as well.
"I am so very excited for this opportunity to deepen my connection with SF State Athletics and partner in our shared goals of growing in how we see and do diversity, inclusion, and equity," said Dr. Taylor. "I aim to learn, unlearn, and challenge myself in this role and hope to partner with the department is doing the same. I'm beyond grateful, and look forward to this love work with SF State Athletics."
Dr. Taylor has co-authored several peer-reviewed publications and has been the principal investigator in half a dozen funded projects. The most recent was in 2018-19 when Dr. Taylor led the Ryan White Title II Support Services for HIV Health Education and Risk Reduction, Mental Health, Non-Medical Case Management, Eligibility and Referral Services, and Medical Transportation Programs for At-risk HIV Positive People of Color in Northern Nevada. Prior to joining SF State, Dr. Taylor taught at Western Michigan from 2011-2015.
"Dr. Taylor is always looking for ways to better support our student-athletes and faculty. She is incredibly social-justice minded and will bring the perfect amount of empathy, initiative, and critical perspective to this new role as ADID," said Faculty Athletics Representative Dr. Nicole Bolter, who has co-authored a peer-reviewed publication with Dr. Taylor. "I can't think of a better person to take on this position and push for a more inclusive and equitable environment for our student-athletes, coaches, and staff."
She earned her BA in Psychology from Oral Roberts University; her MA in Counseling and Educational Psychology from the University of Nevada, Reno; and her Doctor of Philosophy in Family Studies from Loma Linda University.