San Francisco State University alumna, donor, SF State Foundation board member, and Lam Family College of Business Development Council member Kimberly Brandon (B.A., 1984) was recently featured in the Nob Hill Gazette for her work as President of the San Francisco Port Commission. Now retired from Morgan Stanley, where she was a senior vice president, Kimberly is still deeply connected to her hometown and alma mater.

On the Waterfront
The Bay is many things: a home to marine life, a port of call for ships, a playground for water-sports enthusiasts, a scenic treasure for those who live, work or walk on the waterfront. Representing or mediating among these groups whenever Bay issues arise — whether it’s a shoreline development proposal or a new ferry route — is an alphabet soup of agencies, boards, commissions and committees. Presiding over them is a group of public officials who wear more hats than Willie Brown owns ties.