Every two years, the Lam Family College of Business recognizes a group of faculty members for their outstanding performance. These faculty are nominated by their peers and selected by a committee in one of three key areas: scholarly research, teaching, and community service.
This year, through the Lam-Larsen Fund for Global Innovation, the college has granted 10 awards in three categories: Distinguished Teaching, Distinguished Research, and Distinguished Service. Funding for the awards is made possible through the generous $25 million gift made in 2018 to the college by alumnus Chris Larsen (B.S., '84), his wife Lyna Lam, and the Rippleworks Foundation.
The Distinguished Research Professorship Awards recognize faculty for their research impact, including productivity, publishing, and awards, as well as societal impact, and fostering multi‐disciplinary collaborations within the Lam Family College of Business, across San Francisco State University and broader society through community engagement, research, partnerships, and more.
Join us in congratulating the five award recipients for 2023: Professor Foo-Nin Ho, Associate Professor Venoo Kakar, Professor Antoaneta “Toni” Petkova, Professor Robert Saltzman, and Professor Lihua Wang!

Foo-Nin Ho, Ph.D.
Professor, Marketing
Professor Foo-Nin Ho joined San Francisco State University in 1993. He was promoted to full professor in 2005 and has since served as the Chair of the Marketing department from 2017-2022. To date, he has had 24 publications, of which ten are listed as A* or A in ABDC. This record includes three journals listed in the Financial Times Top 50. Professor Ho has been particularly active, with seven papers, three working papers, and one book chapter—all since 2015. Moreover, he is in the Editorial Board of the prestigious Journal of Business Ethics and Management Review. He reports 1,006 citations to date.

Venoo Kakar, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Economics
Professor Venoo Kakar joined San Francisco State University in 2013 and is currently an Associate Professor of Economics. She has 13 peer reviewed publications, with one rated as A* and five as A by ABDC, as well as a policy brief. She has presented her work at 45 national and international economics conferences and professional meetings.
Professor Kakar is also a recent recipient of the prestigious Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grant for $250,000 to study the impact of public student-loan forgiveness policies on wealth outcomes for American households.

Antoaneta "Toni" Petkova, Ph.D.
Professor, Management
Professor Petkova’s research focuses on the processes of social evaluation of new social ventures, particularly in emerging and underserved sectors. She has successfully extended her research in curricular and course innovations at the Lam Family College of Business, co-authored with colleagues in the college, and mentored faculty beyond San Francisco State University. To date, she has 25 peer-reviewed papers, six proceedings, and four book chapters. Five of her peer-reviewed papers are listed as A* in ABDC, with two as A. She is among the most productive scholars in the college, averaging 1.47 publications per year.

Robert Saltzman, Ph.D.
Professor, Management
Professor Saltzman has published 37 papers, with three classified as A* and one A by the ABDC. He has participated in 29 conferences and professional meetings. An authority in mathematical modelling, Professor Saltzman’s research is eclectic, covering various quantitative techniques in the areas of operations management/operations research and statistics to approach a wide variety of problems/issues such as street parking availability, travel distances for national sports teams in football and baseball, call center waiting times, student through-put towards a degree, and shuttle bus service.
He was awarded the Alan Khade Best Paper by CSUPOM in 2019. Professor Saltzman has collaborated widely within and outside the college, and has worked with numerous students in supervising their master’s degree thesis. Particularly noteworthy by way of societal impact is his research on the shuttle bus service simulating the San Francisco State University shuttle bus operations that led to benefits arising from specific improvements.

Lihua Wang, Ph.D.
Professor, International Business
Professor Wang's research has covered inter-organizational relationships, co-creation with customers, value creation, and employee stock ownership. In addition to conferences, Professor Wang has presented her research at the University of Chicago and lectured at the Columbia Business School and National University of Singapore.
Professor Wang’s societal impact is likewise noteworthy. In collaboration with the SF Bay Area community, she initiated a highly successful mentoring program involving SF State alumni and our current students. This program has carried forward to academic publications for which she developed four cases, two covering SF State alumni, in a highly-rated case journal. In support of case-oriented publications, Professor Wang organized case workshops for faculty. This initiative was largely a result of her attention to our former college mission that had prioritized pedagogical research.
Three Lam Family College of Business faculty members are recognized for their long and distinguished record of outstanding and high-impact teaching and mentoring with our bi-annual Lam-Larsen Distinguished Teaching Professorship Awards: Associate Professor Robert Bonner, Assistant Professor Stewart Liu, and Associate Professor Smita Trivedi!
Funded by the Lam-Larsen Global Innovation Fund, the Distinguished Teaching Professorship Awards recognize faculty not only for excellent teaching but also for innovative instruction and significant contributions to improving the curriculum in our college. Each awardee receives a $10,000 annual stipend for two years and mentors another faculty member each award year.

Robert Bonner, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Management
Professor Bonner is a truly unique professor. He uses a backward design process where he starts with the desired outcomes and then provides flexibility to make sure he is assessing students’ ability to meet those outcomes. He focuses on developing low stakes alternatives, but authentic assessments, to identify areas of improvement prior to students completing high stakes summative assessments which greatly supports diverse learners’ unique needs.
Professor Bonner has taken his fascination with pedagogy to many areas of his career: He is deputy chair for the Junior Faculty and Doctoral Student Consortium for the Management Education and Development (MED) Division at the Academy of Management.

Stewart Liu, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Decision Sciences
Assistant Professor Stewart Liu works in the Department of Decision Sciences. His outstanding teaching evaluations are the result of his innovation and passion, both inside the classroom and beyond.
Inside the classroom, Professor Liu was one of the first faculty members to digitize his courses. This process required the learning of tools such as sequential animation, in order to communicate complex mathematical formulas, charts and problem solving. Having completed the digitization process, to accommodate students with limited Internet access, Professor Liu recreated his course content in the form of narrated PowerPoint slides, which are 95% smaller than comparable video files.

Smita Trivedi, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Management
Professor Trivedi has executed her passion in pedagogy in multiple forms, including sitting on the university CEETL Board and Director search committee, on the college’s “Student Obsession” Task Force, and now as co-director for the Lam-Larsen Student Engagement Initiative. She believes in the pedagogy of discomfort where instructors should not be neutral, objective outsiders in the classroom, but share experiences with their students and learn together as a group.
She’s also famous in the Management Department for taking students on the coolest field trips – Lyft, Tesla, LinkedIn, Google, Palantir, Facebook, Youtube, Open AI, and Twitter!
Two Lam Family College of Business faculty members received the 2023 Lam-Larsen Distinguished Service Professorship Award in recognition of their outstanding and diverse service contributions to our campus community and the general community at large: Professor Anoshua Chaudhuri and Professor Theresa Hammond!
Each awardee receives a $10,000 annual stipend for two years and is expected to share their service experiences and methods to balance teaching, research, and outstanding service with the college community. This award is supported by the Lam-Larsen Fund for Global Innovation.

Anoshua Chaudhuri, Ph.D.
Chair and Professor, Economics
Apart from her regular duties as a chair of the Economic department for the last six years, Professor Chaudhuri has been responsible for successfully completing WASC and AACSB reviews of the Economics program. She has secured a number of grants and other funding to support departmental teaching activities and improve student educational opportunities. Professor Chaudhuri is very active in working with students in community service learning through her classes, benefiting various community partners or agencies and students while improving the Lam Family College of Business’s (LFCoB) and SF State's community service engagement profile. She has also voluntarily participated in numerous LFCoB and SF State committees and task forces which have frequently resulted in actionable steps that have benefited students and faculty colleagues.

Theresa Hammond, Ph.D.
Professor, Accounting
Theresa Hammond, Professor of Accounting, is recognized with this award for her continued volunteer and professional service in working towards a legacy of supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion for Lam Family College of Business (LFCoB) students over many years, particularly those students pursuing education and future careers in accounting work. Professor Hammond’s academic and career guidance for SF State students and their affiliation with the career-focused National Association of Black Accountants’ (NABA) and Accounting Career Awareness Program (ACAP) is unparalleled in a faculty commitment to support LFCoB students in both their educational preparations and future professional aspirations over a number of years.