The Metro College Success Program (Metro) uses targeted outreach to support first-generation, low-income, and/or historically underrepresented students in their success at San Francisco State University. Metro courses are designed to reinforce the foundation skills needed for college success and throughout life--writing, public speaking, critical thinking, and quantitative reasoning. Metro counselors help students stay on track with their course selection for speedy graduation. Our goal is to help students graduate in a timely manner and gain the skills they need to succeed in college and find a meaningful career.
Metro provides a two-year learning community of two courses each semester that share themes such as social justice, education equity, community health, and ethnic studies. Our students receive tutoring, advising, and support, and develop strong academic skills. They learn to write and speak with confidence and power, master mathematical concepts and think critically about real-world issues.
Metro courses satisfy general education requirements for all majors at SF State, which allows students to complete their bachelor’s degrees in any major.

Katherine and Gaylen Eslinger endow a scholarship for Metro College Success students
While alumna Katherine Eslinger (B.A., ’84) was raised to value education, getting one did not always come easy for her or her family. Now retired, she and her husband Gaylen have honored Katherine's journey and family through a planned gift to endow the George & Helen Kallianis Memorial Scholarship, which awards an annual scholarship to a Metro student. Metro supports first-generation, low-income, and/or historically underrepresented students.
Student Success Program Gets $3 Million
The State of California has awarded $3 million in support to the Metro College Success Program, which helps underrepresented students at San Francisco State University and City College of San Francisco (CCSF) navigate their first two years of college.

College of Ethnic Studies Funding Initiatives

Scholarships provide much-needed support to students to defray the cost of attending University.