The College of Science and Engineering's Student Enrichment Opportunities Office (SEO) provides academic support, financial aid, and stimulating research experience in STEM fields to students from underrepresented groups. SEO provides funding & support to students interested in pursuing advanced study and careers in the field of biomedical science.
SEO oversees multiple programs, including fellowships for undergraduates and graduate students, mentorship, and funding for students to attend professional scientific conferences, scholarships, and summer internships. Many students receive annual stipends and partial tuition remission, allowing them to focus on their academic work and graduate within a shorter time span. In 2017, SEO funded 49 graduate students and 32 undergraduate students, dispersing $2,110,000 from federal and corporate sources.
Every year, there are thousands of qualified students that we are unable to support. In 2018, the Office has a targeted goal of shrinking this gap by attracting funding from private sources to underwrite additional students.
A gift of $17,800 will fund one undergraduate student’s tuition and research stipend. A gift of $28,800 will fund tuition and lab experience for one graduate student.

“The scholarship has created a strong foundation for my career as a scientist. I am now able to build a life-long profession that would have never been possible.”
-Christopher Pineda
SFSU BS Cell & Molecular Biology

Genentech Foundation Grants $10.5M to CoSE
The Genentech Foundation’s recent $10.5 million grant will be distributed over five years and will fund three initiatives managed by the college’s Student Enrichment Opportunities Office. Approximately 80% of the grant will go towards the support of students from low-income backgrounds, with awards made annually to more than students.
College of Science and Engineering Funding Initiatives

Scholarships provide much-needed support to students to defray the cost of attending University.

SF State’s Planetarium is a key learning resource for the University's campus and community schools.

Estuary & Ocean Science Center (EOS)
The Center supports the study of San Francisco Bay and develops solutions to the environmental problems confronting coastal communities.

Women in Science and Engineering (WISE)
SF State WISE provides opportunities for women in STEM fields to learn from and support one another through presentations, workshops, and the establishment of mentoring communities.