Pictured above are the Fall 2019 Presidential Leadership Fellows with President Lynn Mahoney, Ph.D. and Interim Vice President of Student Affairs & Enrollment Management Beth Hellwig (front row)
Our Mission
Career Services & Leadership Development’s (CSLD) mission is to equip our diverse student and alumni population with modern resources that assist guide and fostering their leadership, professional, and career advancement. Through advances in technology and with staff ready to go the extra mile, we provide students with tools to take initiative and excel in their future endeavors.
Our Values
We are committed to educating SF State students and alumni through the use of personalized services, resources, and information technology, thereby empowering them to make purposeful academic and career-related decisions with a view to becoming talented professionals. We provide first-rate service in a welcoming, respectful environment. We value and serve a diverse population needing career-related information and experience. We proactively create and maintain partnerships with employers, and with the SF State campus community. We do this by engaging in outreach for the purpose of providing career-related information, programs, workshops, and events. We provide a systematic assessment with a view to guiding and encouraging career-related decision-making rooted in ever-increasing awareness of self and others.
Our Learning Outcome
Career Services & Leadership Development is committed to the following student learning outcomes Career Planning – students develop the ability to identify suitable career options and to create a suitable career plan based on the utilization of the counseling process, assessment tools, and other resources provided by Career Services & Leadership Development at SF State. Job Skills Writing – students develop the ability to write an effective resume, cover letters, and CVs. Interviewing – students develop skills in preparation for job interviews. Finding a Job – students develop the ability to identify and utilize various kinds of employment resources: career fairs, on-campus interviews, professional networking events, internships, and online job resources to effectively locate and apply for job opportunities. Gaining Work Experience – students will develop professional skills through internships, summer jobs, work-study programs, and other employment opportunities. Social Media – students will develop their social media branding to effectively promote themselves and secure job placement.

Kathy Kwan: Outstanding Philanthropist and Partner
Kathy Kwan is a major donor and true partner to the University's Career Services & Leadership Development program, contributing to the program's phenomenal growth.
Student Affairs & Enrollment Management Funding Initiatives

Guardian Scholars
Guardian Scholars serves former and current foster care youth in pursuing their undergraduate degrees.

Project Rebound
Project Rebound assists formerly incarcerated individuals in admissions and academic success at the University.

HOPE Crisis Fund
The HOPE Crisis Fund provides students with essential emergency financial support to support their path to graduation.

Basic Needs Initiatives
The Basic Needs Initiatives support students in reaching their full potential by responding to student hunger and housing insecurity.